So I guess the reason I quit blogging is because I haven't had much to blog about.
The blogs I follow are all about happy stuff...
Weddings. Babies. Jobs. Parties.
Been there. Not yet. HIPAA. Old.
In all honestly, 2011 really hasn't been a year I'll look back on with too many fond memories. I'm quite happy to see it go. Just in the last few hours I've lost most of a fingernail, sliced the same finger open with a steak knife, and broke my favorite shot glass- the one I bought in Spain while studying abroad in 2003.
Is it 2012 yet?
Not yet?
In HeathPack blog fashion, here's 2011 in pictures:
Valley Board Review in Orlando:
Me and Will turned 29 and 30, respectively:
Said goodbye to Ricki, seen at right of Smallz- loved for 14 years:
Escorted Julia to her first A-Day:
Watched tornadoes destroy my second home, as well as several other counties across the state:
Graduated from Samford's CRNA program:
Said goodbye to Boots- my first horse, loved for 19 years:
Passed Boards, becoming a CRNA:
Took a trip with my dad to check off a longtime dream for us both:
Celebrated 5 years of marriage to my best friend:
Welcomed my other best friend's twins into the world:
Started my first job as a CRNA:
(No picture, but definitely noteworthy, nonetheless)
Made the trip to Penn State:
Made the trip to UF:
Dressed up as the Phantom and Christine for Halloween:
Pepper-gated in Ttown:
Said goodbye to Will's Grandfather after a long battle with cancer:
Managed to take our least painful Christmas card picture yet:
Will graduated from UAB, finishing his Masters in Communication
(No picture since walking in the ceremony was out of the question... still awaiting the ceremonial arrival of the diploma in the mail)
And Christmas happened... between the insane amount of time I spent at the hospital due to record case numbers and lack of available vacation time, we crammed as much Christmas cheer into 3 days as possible:
If any of you are thinking that I left out something notable, I'm sorry. It's late and I'm exhausted from the last few weeks of work.
As we spend a relatively quiet New Year's Eve at home with the Pack (between Pack outbursts and breakdowns over fireworks, of course), we look forward to what 2012 has to offer. So far on the agenda is a trip to NOLA to watch our Tide fight for #14, my 30th b'day (facepalm nominee already), a trip to Boston to watch my brother-in-law Jack run in the Boston marathon, and making a roadtrip to Dallas to watch Bama play Michigan.
I'd like to say that my New Year's resolution is to get more sleep, but I'm supposed to start taking call this year, so I guess that won't really happen.
So I guess my resolution is this: to complain less and appreciate more. For all the trials and frustrations, find peace and blessing. It's vague, but it's what I need.
And I wish the same for all of you.
It's gonna be a... a happy New Year.
Birmingham-Southern College Carol Service
2 weeks ago