"All that I'm after is a Life full of Laughter...

As long as I'm laughing with you..."

Monday, December 28, 2009


Not sure why of all times I decided to start a blog the week before turning my life over to 18 months of anesthesia clinicals, but what the hey, here goes nothing! Guaranteed to be jam-packed with such exciting recounts as cute things the dogs do (see left), random feeble attempts to maintain a social life, what Will and I ate for supper last night, and of course layperson coverage of my adventures in ORs around the state that will no doubt only be interesting to people in the medical field.

Things are about to get crazy around here (no additional commentary, please), so anyone wishing to follow along, we'd be happy to have you :)


  1. Hi Stacey!

    Welcome to the World of Blogging. I read Will's blog every day with my morning cup of coffee. As an old newspaper publisher I really enjoy his writing style.

    Looking forward to reading about your experiences in the OR. Hope you aren't too tired to report them!

  2. And don't forget if you get too tired to scrapbook but can manage to blog, you can do like I did and just blog and then get the blog printed - at least that's the plan - I'll let you know how it goes. Looking forward to reaading your blog!

  3. WooHoo!! Two Heath blogs to consult each morning!

  4. This is gonna be hard - Stacey saying things repeatedly and I'm going to have to hold back from making inappropriate commentary.

  5. Peter- I know how tempting it is to return to your slumdog Homewood roots, but please watch your preacher mouth- apparently Matt Miller is going to be reading this thing also... on second thought... Matt may need his own set of warnings...

  6. YAAAAAAYYYY!!! You've joined the blogging world!!! So I hear you guys are having people over to watch the national championship...I may have to make an appearance with Jen ;)

  7. Marcie- invite heading your way on facebook! I wasn't sure what you and Justin were going to do, but I mentioned to Jenn that she should bring you!
