"All that I'm after is a Life full of Laughter...

As long as I'm laughing with you..."

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wrapping Up Another One... OR... Obligatory Last Day of the Year Post

Since my OCD kicked in with gusto this morning and my house is now 98% clean, I figured I could take a few minutes to satisfy those of you who responded to my joining the blogging world with a lot more excitement that it deserves by delivering a second entry (and a reeeeeeally long, but grammatically correct, sentence).
2009 was... different. I've known for years that I was bound to be professional student, but coming back to full-time student status after 2.5 years of paychecks (particularly in this economy) has taught me several lessons:
--Frugality, of course.
--Even more organization- if you can believe it.
--Time management- My philosophy this year has been to take everything one day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time. And sometimes one minute at a time. It IS, in fact, possible to ace anesthesia exams with less than 48 hours of preparation and without the ability to regurgitate your own name while clicking the "start exam" button. One ____ at a time.
-Gratitude- for my loving and patient family, friends, and mentors for allowing me to be able to participate in Samford's Anesthesia program. I've finally reached the last step to realizing a goal I've had for 7 years... and I wouldn't be here without my ever-supportive and encouraging parents, friends willing to put social plans on hold but always prepared to listen to me vent... a lot, and, of course, my loving husband. Anyone still standing by me after this year is a good man... or crazy... either way, here we are.
Also thankful for savings bonds (see "loving family").
So, in closing, I'd like to thank 2009 for the following moments:

Finally, please note the giant picture of my beautiful and bizarre, yet incredibly blessed family at the top of this blog. I wouldn't be half this sane without them... although I'm pretty sure I'm only half sane because of them...

Cheers to 2010- Happy New Year!


  1. So.... I'm gonna be "that guy" and point out that your long sentence has a misspelled word. I'm just saying.

    Congratulations on nearly being done!

  2. Ok, I'll bite... I don't see it... which one?

  3. blogging world with a lot more excitement that it deserves by delivering a second entry

    Should the "that" not be a "than"

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hehe. aren't you glad Matt, not Peter, found that! Looking forward to more fun on Thursday. I think I'll bring some peanut butter crackers in case we get snowed in at your house. yay.

  6. Technically that was a typo, not a misspelling.

    Yes, there's a difference.

    (I was going to let it go because I noted Matt's horrible Spanish on FB and restrained from commenting... until now, but I'll go on and assume that Peter took pleasure in my alleged mistake. ) :)
