Today was the last day of my first rotation.
And, boy, did it suck.
If there's one thing I've learned about anesthesia over the past 11 weeks, it's humility. Just when you think, "Wow, I've gotten all my IV starts on the first stick including 18gs and not missed an intubation or LMA placement for the past 2 weeks- I may actually be getting the hang of this," you're wrong.
Even when you know your rockstar streak has been going on too long and it's inevitably going to crash and burn around you any second, you're still not prepared.
And even though you think you've learned your lesson the last time and you promise yourself you're not going to acknowledge your confidence, it happens. And then $% happens. Let's put it this way: I peaked at 0630 with my IV start. That's it. After that, it was missed intubation, lost art line stick opportunity, too slow getting supplies- you name it. I really wanted to go out with a bang... I guess I should've been more specific...
Overall though, this has been such a fantastic rotation. Anniston's anesthesia staff is amazing and I was truly blessed to have begun my anesthesia clinicals there- one of the CRNAs even invited me to watch a CABG earlier this week. That's right- I saw a beating heart in someone's chest. AND I saw it stop beating when we went on bypass. AND I saw it go from quivering Atrial Fibrillation to Sinus Rhythm after a shock with the internal paddles. Talk about being jazzed! Anyway, I'm really going to miss the people that have taught, befriended, and inspired me for the past 3 months, and I would gladly go back for another rotation... how great would it be to go back and actually KNOW stuff?! :)
Here are a few great moments from today:
Celebration cupcakes/breakfast- nothing like lemon cupcakes at 0500...... mmmmmm....
The cake we brought for the CRNAs and MDAs
(get it? V-tach-- shock at 360j-- Sinus rhythm? Cute, huh!)
Audra, Jessica, and me outside RMC- First rotation down! 1/8 of anesthesia clinicals done!
And now it's time for Olive Garden with Jenn and Aeron!
Happy Weekend everyone!
So this is more "song" than "dance," but it's my blog gimmick and I'll adapt it how I want to :)
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